
The RangeSlider control was taken from the Avalon Controls Library (MS-PL) GitHub fork. It lets you select a range of values with a slider and 2 range bars, rather than a single value.


  • Orientation: RangeSlider support vertical orientation
  • IsMoveToPointEnabled feature work like for Slider
  • SmallChange / LargeChange: when IsMoveToPointEnabled = False thumbs will move on the value you set in Small / LargeChange
  • Interval: This property will set interval between changing values when using Small / Larnge change.
  • IsSnapToTickEnabled: If set to true, thumbs will snap to ticks like in standard Slider.
  • TickBars and Tickplacement: RangeSlider receive support for displaying / hiding ticks and change its ticks width according to minimum and maximum values changed
  • ExtendedMode: If it set ExtendedMode = False you cannot do any manipulations inside range except moving thumbs closer/farther to each other with mouse, but if it enabled you can use MoveToPoint or Small/Large change inside range by clicking Left mouse button + left or right control button to move left thumb and Right mouse button + left or right control button to move right thumb inside range. If Extended mode = true you also can without problems move whole range by clicking leftmouse button
  • MoveWholeRange: This property will let you move whole range when using MoveToPoint or Small/Large change (working also inside range)
  • MinRangeWidth: Sets minimum width of central Thumb. It can be in range from 0 to range_slider_width/2.
  • AutoToolTipPlacement will display tooltip, which will move with Thumb and display current value. Implemented for left/central/right thumbs.
  • AutotoolTipPrecision set the number of digits, which will be shown after dot in autotooltip.
<mah:RangeSlider Width="200"
                 Style="{DynamicResource MahApps.Styles.RangeSlider.Win10}"
    <DataTemplate DataType="mah:RangeSliderAutoTooltipValues">
      <UniformGrid Columns="2" Rows="2">
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right" Text="From:" />
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right" Text="{Binding LowerValue, StringFormat='{}{0:N2}'}" />
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right" Text="To:" />
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right" Text="{Binding UpperValue, StringFormat='{}{0:N2}'}" />