Badged Control

The Badged control renders a badge overlay on a given control. The badge location can be set by the BadgePlacementMode property.


<mah:Badged Badge="42">
  <!-- Control to wrap goes here -->
  <Button Content="Notifications" />

<mah:Badged Badge="{Binding Path=BadgeValue}" BadgePlacementMode="BottomRight">
  <!-- Control to wrap goes here -->
    <iconPacks:PackIconFontAwesome Kind="CommentOutline" />

The IconPacks control in the samples can be found here.


Property Type Description
Badge object Gets or sets the Badge content to display.
BadgeBackground Brush Gets or sets the background brush for the Badge.
BadgeForeground Brush Gets or sets the foreground brush for the Badge.
BadgePlacementMode BadgePlacementMode Gets or sets the placement of the Badge relative to its content.
BadgeMargin Thickness Gets or sets a margin which can be used to make minor adjustments to the placement of the Badge.
IsBadgeSet bool (readonly) Indicates whether the Badge has content to display.
BadgeChanged RoutedEvent Occurs if the Badge property was changed.

BadgePlacementMode enum

Specifies the position of the badge.


Value Description
TopLeft 0 Shows the badge on the top left corner.
Top 1 Shows the badge on top.
TopRight 2 Shows the badge on the top right corner.
Right 3 Shows the bage on the right side.
BottomRight 4 Shows the badge on the bottom right corner.
Bottom 5 Shows the badge on bottom.
BottomLeft 6 Shows the badge on the bottom left corner.
Left 7 Shows the badge on the left side.