The HamburgerMenu is based on a
control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- Namespace
- MahApps
.Metro .Controls - Base Types
- ContentControl
graph BT
class Type type-node
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = nameof(OptionsItemContainerStyle), StyleTargetType = typeof(ListBoxItem))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = nameof(ResizeThumbStyle), StyleTargetType = typeof(MetroThumb))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = nameof(ItemContainerStyle), StyleTargetType = typeof(ListBoxItem))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = nameof(HeaderItemContainerStyle), StyleTargetType = typeof(ListBoxItem))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = nameof(SeparatorItemContainerStyle), StyleTargetType = typeof(ListBoxItem))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = nameof(ItemFocusVisualStyle), StyleTargetType = typeof(Control))]
[TemplatePart(Name = "HamburgerButton", Type = typeof(Button))]
[TemplatePart(Name = "ButtonsListView", Type = typeof(ListBox))]
[TemplatePart(Name = "OptionsListView", Type = typeof(ListBox))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = nameof(HamburgerButtonStyle), StyleTargetType = typeof(Button))]
public class HamburgerMenu : ContentControl
Type | Description |
StyleTypedProperty | |
StyleTypedProperty | |
StyleTypedProperty | |
StyleTypedProperty | |
StyleTypedProperty | |
StyleTypedProperty | |
TemplatePart | |
TemplatePart | |
TemplatePart | |
StyleTypedProperty |
Name | Summary |
HamburgerMenu |
Initializes a new instance of the HamburgerMenu class.
Name | Type | Summary |
HamburgerButtonClick | RoutedEventHandler |
Event raised when the hamburger button is clicked
ItemClick | Item |
Event raised when an item is clicked
ItemInvoked | Hamburger |
Event raised when an item is invoked
OptionsItemClick | Item |
Event raised when an options' item is clicked
Name | Constant Value | Summary |
Can |
Identifies the
CanResizeOpenPane dependency property.static
Compact |
Identifies the
CompactPaneLength dependency property.static
Content |
Identifies the
ContentTransition dependency property.static
DisplayModeProperty |
Identifies the
DisplayMode dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerButtonClick routed event.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerButtonHelpText dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerButtonName dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerButtonStyle dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerButtonTemplate dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerHeight dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerMargin dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerMenuHeaderTemplate dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerVisibility dependency property.static
Hamburger |
Identifies the
HamburgerWidth dependency property.static
Header |
Identifies the
HeaderItemContainerStyle dependency property.static
IsPaneOpenProperty |
Identifies the
IsPaneOpen dependency property.static
ItemClickEvent |
Identifies the
ItemClick routed event.static
Item |
Identifies the
ItemCommandParameter dependency property.static
ItemCommandProperty |
Identifies the
ItemCommand dependency property.static
Item |
Identifies the
ItemContainerStyle dependency property.static
Item |
Identifies the
ItemFocusVisualStyle dependency property.static
ItemInvokedEvent |
Identifies the
ItemInvoked routed event.static
ItemsSourceProperty |
Identifies the
ItemsSource dependency property.static
ItemTemplateProperty |
Identifies the
ItemTemplate dependency property.static
Item |
Identifies the
ItemTemplateSelector dependency property.static
Maximum |
Identifies the
MaximumOpenPaneLength dependency property.static
Minimum |
Identifies the
MinimumOpenPaneLength dependency property.static
Open |
Identifies the
OpenPaneLength dependency property.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsItemClick routed event.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsItemCommandParameter dependency property.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsItemCommand dependency property.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsItemContainerStyle dependency property.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsItemsSource dependency property.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsItemTemplate dependency property.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsItemTemplateSelector dependency property.static
Options |
Identifies the
OptionsVisibility dependency property.static
Pane |
Identifies the
PaneBackground dependency property.static
Pane |
Identifies the
PaneForeground dependency property.static
Pane |
Identifies the
PaneHeaderMargin dependency property.static
PaneMarginProperty |
Identifies the
PaneMargin dependency property.static
Pane |
Identifies the
PanePlacement dependency property.static
Resize |
Identifies the
ResizeThumbStyle dependency property.static
Selected |
Identifies the
SelectedIndex dependency property.static
SelectedItemProperty |
Identifies the
SelectedItem dependency property.static
Selected |
Identifies the
SelectedOptionsIndex dependency property.static
Selected |
Identifies the
SelectedOptionsItem dependency property.static
Separator |
Identifies the
SeparatorItemContainerStyle dependency property.static
Show |
Identifies the
ShowSelectionIndicator dependency property.static
Vertical |
Identifies the
VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide dependency property.static
Name | Value | Summary |
CanResizeOpenPane | bool |
Gets or Sets whether the open pane can be resized by the user. The default value is false.
CompactPaneLength | double |
Gets or sets the width of the pane when in its compact display mode.
ContentTransition | TransitionType |
Gets or sets the
TransitionType for the TransitioningContentControl which shows the selected menu item content.
DisplayMode | SplitViewDisplayMode |
Gets or sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas are shown.
Hamburger |
string |
Gets or sets the
AutomationProperties.HelpTextProperty for the HamburgerMenu button.
HamburgerButtonName | string |
Gets or sets the
AutomationProperties.NameProperty for the HamburgerMenu button.
HamburgerButtonStyle | Style |
Gets or sets the
FrameworkElement.Style for the HamburgerMenu button.
Hamburger |
DataTemplate |
Gets or sets the
ContentControl.ContentTemplate for the HamburgerMenu button.
HamburgerHeight | double |
Gets or sets the
FrameworkElement.Height for the HamburgerMenu button.
HamburgerMargin | Thickness |
Gets or sets the margin for the HamburgerMenu button.
Hamburger |
DataTemplate |
Gets or sets the
ContentControl.ContentTemplate for the HamburgerMenu pane header.
HamburgerVisibility | Visibility |
Gets or sets the
UIElement.Visibility for the HamburgerMenu button.
HamburgerWidth | double |
Gets or sets HamburgerMenu button's
FrameworkElement.Width .
Header |
Style |
Gets or sets the
Style used for each header item.
IsPaneOpen | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
ItemCommand | ICommand |
Gets or sets a
ICommand which will be executed if an item was clicked by the user.
ItemCommandParameter | object |
Gets or sets the
ICommand parameter which will be passed by the ItemCommand .
ItemContainerStyle | Style |
Gets or sets the
Style used for each item.
ItemFocusVisualStyle | Style |
Gets or sets the default FocusVisualStyle for a HamburgerMenuItem.
This style can be override at the HamburgerMenuItem style by setting the FocusVisualStyle property.
Items | ItemCollection |
Gets the collection used to generate the content of the items list.
ItemsSource | object |
Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the menu.
ItemTemplate | DataTemplate |
Gets or sets the
DataTemplate used to display each item.
ItemTemplateSelector | DataTemplateSelector |
Gets or sets the
DataTemplateSelector used to display each item.
Maximum |
double |
Gets or sets the maximum width of the
SplitView pane when it's fully expanded.
Minimum |
double |
Gets or sets the minimum width of the
SplitView pane when it's fully expanded.
OpenPaneLength | double |
Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
OptionsItemCommand | ICommand |
Gets or sets a
ICommand which will be executed if an options item was clicked by the user.
Options |
object |
Gets or sets the
ICommand parameter which will be passed by the OptionsItemCommand .
Options |
Style |
Gets or sets the
Style used for each item in the options.
OptionsItems | ItemCollection |
Gets the collection used to generate the content of the option list.
OptionsItemsSource | object |
Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the options.
OptionsItemTemplate | DataTemplate |
Gets or sets the
DataTemplate used to display each item in the options.
Options |
DataTemplateSelector |
Gets or sets the
DataTemplateSelector used to display each item in the options.
OptionsVisibility | Visibility |
Gets or sets the
Visibility of the options menu.
PaneBackground | Brush |
Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the pane area of the HamburgerMenu.
PaneForeground | Brush |
Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the pane area of the HamburgerMenu.
PaneHeaderMargin | Thickness |
Gets or sets the margin for the pane header.
PaneMargin | Thickness |
Gets or sets the margin for the
SplitView pane.
PanePlacement | Split |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or on left side of the HamburgerMenu.
ResizeThumbStyle | Style |
Gets or Sets the
Style for the resizing Thumb (type of MetroThumb )
SelectedIndex | int |
Gets or sets the selected menu index.
SelectedItem | object |
Gets or sets the selected menu item.
SelectedOptionsIndex | int |
Gets or sets the selected options menu index.
SelectedOptionsItem | object |
Gets or sets the selected options menu item.
Separator |
Style |
Gets or sets the
Style used for each separator item.
Show |
bool |
Gets or sets whether a selection indicator will be shown on the HamburgerMenuItem.
Vertical |
bool |
Gets or sets whether the ScrollBar of the HamburgerMenu is on the left side or on the right side of the menu items.
Name | Value | Summary |
OnApplyTemplate |
void |
Override default OnApplyTemplate to capture children controls
RaiseItemCommand |
void |
Executes the
ItemCommand .
Raise |
void |
Executes the
OptionsItemCommand .