Flyout Class


A sliding panel control that is hosted in a MetroWindow via a FlyoutsControl.
Base Types
  • HeaderedContentControl
graph BT Type-->Base0["HeaderedContentControl"] Type["Flyout"] class Type type-node


[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_Root", Type = typeof(FrameworkElement))]
[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_Header", Type = typeof(FrameworkElement))]
[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_Content", Type = typeof(FrameworkElement))]
public class Flyout : HeaderedContentControl


Type Description


Name Summary


Name Type Summary
ClosingFinished RoutedEventHandler
An event that is raised when the closing animation has finished.
IsOpenChanged RoutedEventHandler
An event that is raised when IsOpen property changes.
OpeningFinished RoutedEventHandler
An event that is raised when the opening animation has finished.



Name Value Summary
AllowFocusElement bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Flyout should try focus an element.
AnimateOnPositionChange bool
Gets or sets whether this Flyout uses the open/close animation when changing the Position property (default is true).
AnimateOpacity bool
Gets or sets whether this Flyout animates the opacity when opening/closing the Flyout.
AreAnimationsEnabled bool
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Flyout uses animations for open/close.
AutoCloseInterval long
Gets or sets the time in milliseconds when the Flyout should auto close.
CloseButtonIsCancel bool
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the close button is a Cancel button. A user can activate the Cancel button by pressing the ESC key.
CloseButtonVisibility Visibility
Gets or sets the visibility of the close button for this Flyout.
CloseCommand ICommand
Gets or sets a ICommand which will be executed if the close button was clicked.
CloseCommandParameter object
Gets or sets the parameter for the CloseCommand.
ExternalCloseButton MouseButton
Gets or sets the mouse button that closes the Flyout when the user clicks somewhere outside of it.
FocusedElement FrameworkElement
Gets or sets the focused element.
IsAutoCloseEnabled bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Flyout should auto close after the AutoCloseInterval has passed.
IsModal bool
Gets or sets whether this Flyout is modal.
IsOpen bool
Gets or sets whether this Flyout should be visible or not.
IsPinned bool
Gets or sets whether this Flyout stays open when the user clicks somewhere outside of it.
IsShown bool
Gets whether the Flyout is completely shown (after IsOpen was set to true).
Owner FlyoutsControl
Position Position
Gets or sets the position of this Flyout inside the FlyoutsControl.
Theme FlyoutTheme
Gets or sets the theme for the Flyout.
TitleVisibility Visibility
Gets or sets the visibility of the title.
