- Namespace
- MahApps
.Metro .Controls - Base Types
- Control
- Derived Types
graph BT
class Type type-node
click Derived0 "/api/MahApps.Metro.Controls/ColorPicker"
click Derived1 "/api/MahApps.Metro.Controls/ColorCanvas"
public class ColorPickerBase : Control
Type | Description |
DefaultEvent |
Name | Type | Summary |
SelectedColorChanged | Routed |
Occurs when the
SelectedColor property is changed.
Name | Constant Value | Summary |
AProperty |
Identifies the
A dependency property.static
BProperty |
Identifies the
B dependency property.static
ColorIsUpdating | ||
ColorNameProperty |
Identifies the
ColorName dependency property.static
Color |
Identifies the
ColorNamesDictionary dependency property.static
DefaultColorProperty |
Identifies the
DefaultColor dependency property.static
GProperty |
Identifies the
G dependency property.static
HueProperty |
Identifies the
Hue dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelAlphaChannel dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelBlueChannel dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelColorName dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelColorPreview dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelGreenChannel dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelHueChannel dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelRedChannel dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelSaturationChannel dependency property.static
Label |
Identifies the
LabelValueChannel dependency property.static
RProperty |
Identifies the
R dependency property.static
SaturationProperty |
Identifies the
Saturation dependency property.static
Selected |
Identifies the
SelectedColorChanged routed event.static
Selected |
Identifies the
SelectedColor dependency property.static
Selected |
Identifies the
SelectedHSVColor dependency property.static
UpdateHsvValues | ||
ValueProperty |
Identifies the
Value dependency property.static
Name | Value | Summary |
A | byte |
Gets or sets the Alpha-Channel
B | byte |
Gets or sets the Blue-Channel
ColorName | string |
Gets or sets the name of the
SelectedColor .
ColorNamesDictionary | Dictionary |
Gets or sets a
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> for looking up the ColorName
DefaultColor | Color? |
Gets or sets a default selected
G | byte |
Gets or sets the Green-Channel
Hue | double |
Gets or sets the Hue-Channel
LabelAlphaChannel | object |
Gets or sets the label for the Alpha-Channel in the UI
LabelBlueChannel | object |
Gets or sets the label for the Blue-Channel in the UI
LabelColorName | object |
Gets or sets the label for the
ColorName in the UI
LabelColorPreview | object |
Gets or sets the label for the Preview in the UI
LabelGreenChannel | object |
Gets or sets the label for the Green-Channel in the UI
LabelHueChannel | object |
Gets or sets the label for the Hue-Channel in the UI
LabelRedChannel | object |
Gets or sets the label for the Red-Channel in the UI
Label |
object |
Gets or sets the label for the Saturation-Channel in the UI
LabelValueChannel | object |
Gets or sets the label for the Value-Channel in the UI
R | byte |
Gets or sets the Red-Channel
Saturation | double |
Gets or sets the Saturation-Channel
SelectedColor | Color? |
Gets or sets the selected
Color .
SelectedHSVColor | HSVColor |
Gets the
SelectedColor as HSVColor . This property is read only.
Value | double |
Gets or sets the Value-Channel