
ShowModalMessageExternal(object, string, string, MessageDialogStyle, MetroDialogSettings) Method


Creates a MessageDialog outside of the current window.


MessageDialogResult ShowModalMessageExternal(object context, string title, string message, MessageDialogStyle style = Affirmative, MetroDialogSettings settings = null)


Name Type Description
context object Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using MahApps.Metro.Controls.Dialogs.DialogParticipation.SetRegister(DependencyObject,System.Object).
title string The title of the MessageDialog.
message string The message contained within the MessageDialog.
style MessageDialogStyle The type of buttons to use.
settings MetroDialogSettings Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.

Return Value

Type Description
MessageDialogResult A task promising the result of which button was pressed.