MetroDialogSettings Class


A class that represents the settings used by Metro Dialogs.
Base Types
  • object
Derived Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["MetroDialogSettings"] class Type type-node Derived0["LoginDialogSettings"]-->Type click Derived0 "/api/MahApps.Metro.Controls.Dialogs/LoginDialogSettings"


public class MetroDialogSettings


Name Summary


Name Value Summary
AffirmativeButtonText string
Gets or sets the text used for the Affirmative button. For example: "OK" or "Yes".
AnimateHide bool
Enable or disable dialog hiding animation "True" - play hiding animation. "False" - skip hiding animation.
AnimateShow bool
Enable or disable dialog showing animation. "True" - play showing animation. "False" - skip showing animation.
CancellationToken CancellationToken
Gets or sets a token to cancel the dialog.
ColorScheme MetroDialogColorScheme
Gets or sets whether the metro dialog should use the default black/white appearance (theme) or try to use the current accent.
CustomResourceDictionary ResourceDictionary
Gets or sets a custom resource dictionary which can contains custom styles, brushes or something else.
DefaultButtonFocus MessageDialogResult
Gets or sets which button should be focused by default
DefaultText string
Gets or sets the default text (just the inputdialog needed)
DialogButtonFontSize double
Gets or sets the size of the dialog button font.
DialogMessageFontSize double
Gets or sets the size of the dialog message font.
DialogResultOnCancel MessageDialogResult?
Gets or sets the dialog result when the user cancelled the dialog with 'ESC' key
DialogTitleFontSize double
Gets or sets the size of the dialog title font.
FirstAuxiliaryButtonText string
Gets or sets the text used for the first auxiliary button.
MaximumBodyHeight double
Gets or sets the maximum height. (Default is unlimited height, Double.NaN)
NegativeButtonText string
Gets or sets the text used for the Negative button. For example: "Cancel" or "No".
OwnerCanCloseWithDialog bool
Gets or sets wheater the owner of the dialog can be closed.
SecondAuxiliaryButtonText string
Gets or sets the text used for the second auxiliary button.